Chewing gum for the senses

OXO OHO is rhythmically ecstatic, dressed up wildly, highly dramatic, brightly fanatic, sounding exalted, charmaningly spicy and salted with melody, glittering and electrified, chromaticly dignified, addicted to social criticism, connected by the colours of party activism, dedicated to humanism, satirical polarities, arty -­‐ farty dance on our knees. A double bond of phonetic feel -­‐ good sounds and mischievous electro flatteries, of danceable beats, vocals, trumpet, loops and synthesizers. No matter if they load Major Tom’s rocket with a Kavinskyesque texture or if they trigger a wiggling of the head while being some kind of samba -­‐jungle-­‐ creatures, there is always a sound image rising up, that could be best compared with enjoying your first Hubba Bubba chewing gum once again. Artificial through to art and as sweet as only chemicals can taste. German electro pop at its best. From the first synthesizer sound, the little electronic earworms of cotton candy take
effect and suck tight to the audience.

OXO OHO, two power -­‐ plant -­‐ electro -­‐ gremlins that you are pleased to feed sweets after
midnight. Or: Those who ever licked at a flat battery, know what we are talking about.




Real Love Bei Mir (2020)
