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Lasse Reinstroem

psychedelische Instrumentalmusik mit viel Raum für Klänge

Lasse Reinstrøem – a German band with a Swedish name? All imagination and associations are misleading. The band refers to a German sound-alike, which means “let them flow in”. The name says it, let the audience come into the clubs and the band will take it from there and cast a spell on them. Lasse Reinstrøem is a balanced mixture of psychedelic stoner krautrock.

„The result is both whispering and brutal – staking out a space between desert ambiance, a spaghetti Western film soundtrack by Ennio Morricone, and the intensity of bands like Mogwai, Kyuss, and Isis. At the same time, it recalls influences of heroes like My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, MC5, Queens Of The Stone Age, and post-rock pioneers Slint.“


Lasse Reinstroem


Maza Wakan (2016)

III (2014)

II (2012)

I (2010)